Sunday, July 13, 2014

"Glimpses of Life as a Tribal Missionary"

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From: "NTM Weekly Prayer Bulletin" <>
Date: Jul 13, 2014 5:59 AM
Subject: Glimpses of Life as a Tribal Missionary
To: "john" <>

The Wayumi Campus gives visitors an inside look at what life is like for missionaries serving in tribal villages.
Photo of Wayumi participants talking with a tribal woman.

Walk a Mile in a Missionary's Shoes

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a missionary in a remote tribal village? How it would be to walk into a thatched roof hut and hear a strange dialect spoken while smelling spicy food cooking over an open flame? You can, without going to a far-off jungle. It's called Wayumi – a powerful missions experience on NTM's 100-acre campus in scenic central Pennsylvania.

An Eye-Opening Adventure

Wayumi offers a glimpse into the lives of missionaries serving among tribal peoples. Throughout the year, youth and college groups, as well as other individuals and teams, come to the Wayumi campus to gain a better understanding of life on the mission field.

During their stay, they explore what the Bible says about missions, experience a tribal language, and get a glimpse of life in a remote village.
Visitors gain valuable insights from time spent with Wayumi guides – all veteran church planters with a passion for reaching the nations.

Hearts Set Ablaze for the Call of Missions

Time spent at the Wayumi Campus can be a powerful catalyst toward future mission work. Catching a glimpse of what ministry feels like in a tribal village can spark a passion for bringing the Good News to the unreached.

For those already considering vocational missions, spending time with veteran church planters in this setting provides confirmation and encouragement.
 For others, if provides the insights and energy to be quality senders. Check out the video below to learn more about this week's prayer topic.
Watch a Video about Wayumi
Take a Trip to Wayumi
Discover Interface

Prayer Points for This Week

  • Monday: Each summer Wayumi hosts high school students for week-long camps through its Expedition program. Ask the Lord to give Wayumi staff wisdom and grace as they invest time into those learning about missions. Pray that God works in the hearts of students to be goers and senders. Check out the Wayumi Facebook page.  Learn more...
  • Tuesday: Pray for the Wayumi guides as they share their passion and experience with visitors. Ask the Lord to make their love and excitement contagious, sparking a fire in the hearts of the students. Pray that they will be able to effectively communicate the need for the gospel to be preached to the remote places of the earth. To learn more about the ministry of the Wayumi guides, click here.
  • Wednesday: Pray for Wayumi special events such as Youth Day and Winter Quest to be powerful times of discovery and encouragement. Ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit upon the young people who attend. May the Lord's heart for the lost be made known to them, and lives forever changed. Learn more about Youth Day and Winter Quest.
  • Thursday: Pray for the weekend Wayumi retreats. These shortened experiences give individuals, families and other groups a bird's-eye view of the still-unreached people of the world. Pray that the Lord will use the time to open eyes to what it takes to reach these tribes, and how they can effectively take part. Learn more...
  • Friday: Pray for the Wayumi college course and the students who attend this week-long program. These classes offer a unique opportunity for individuals to focus on the task of reaching the unreached people groups of the world, while earning college credit. Ask the Lord to bless the students and for hearts to be challenged to reach the lost. Learn more...
john, If you've ever been to Wayumi or on another mission trip with New Tribes Mission could you email us a short statement about your experience and one of your best photos from the trip?

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