Monday, March 16, 2015

prayer requests & mission update from Case & Gremar Van Wyk (Nigeria Missionaries, currently in Michigan)

BEGIN: "The Bible School Connection,
 CRWM, Rev Case & Gremar Van Wyk

Feb. 2015
This is the first time in five years that we are experiencing winter in Michigan. We cannot
remember a winter this cold. We woke up to -17 degrees this morning and we would rather
wake up to 80 degrees in Niger State. That is a difference of 97 degrees and that at 7:00 am in
the morning. It it is not the heat or the cold that bothers us, it is the fact that we are not teaching
at the Bible School, nor are we able to address the medical well being of the School community
nor of the people around us. The reason we are not at our place of service is because that during
this national election time the people we work with feel that we are at risk and that we may put
them at risk as well because they are responsible for our well being. We have always felt safe
there and we have a good relationship with Muslims, Christians and
 Traditional Africans but we

must listen to the people we work with. It is therefore that we have
delayed our trip to the Bible

School until Sept. of this year. We trust that after the elections the situation will settle down so
that we will be able to continue training indigenous leaders for the church.
We are very thankful and encouraged that you continue to support this very important work.
The money raised during this time will be used for the work we are involved in. We are on an
unpaid leave of absence but we continue to preach and do programs promoting the work in
Niger State. The church there has very few indigenous leaders,
last year the first two indigenous

pastors were ordained. The Bible School therefore is indispensable to develop the emerging
CRCN church in Niger State.
 Please pray for us and for the church in Nigeria.

Prayer is our lifeline! Pray for the church leaders in Nigeria, Christians are under attack
literally from those who have adulterated Islam. The issue is more political than religious.
Pray for the 25 families at the Bible School and for the 5 staff members, pray that they
will be safe and that the school
will be protected from Boko Haram.

Pray that Christians will be protected from local persecution from the Muslim community
and from the Traditional
African community in Niger State.

Pray for safety for all our
Missionaries in Jos and in Abuja.

Pray for the CRCN church in Taraba State, Nigeria and for the leaders of the church.
Thank you for all you do for the Kingdom, blessings, Pastor Case and Gremar Van Wyk" END

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him,..."

Romans 8.28