Thursday, December 3, 2015

" December 2015 Prayer & Praise letter from World Missionary Press"

November 30, 2015

Dear Prayer team:

Your involvement in praying for WMP is vital in making it possible for God's Word to go out from here to be used by the Holy Spirit to bring light into dark places. Thank you so much!

You prayed for our Finance Committee meeting and the Board meeting on November 21. God answered. His presence was with us as we prayed "in one accord" before the meeting. He inspired our hearts as excellent reports were shared, and He led us during deliberations about various items on the agenda. Thank you for praying. God is so faithful!

Please keep these items also in mind:

·         The WMP newsletter for December (attached). Pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire and prompt God's people to become involved with WMP in one or more of the 10 ways suggested in the newsletter. Pray that God will multiply His provision during the month of December, as the level of income during December is a big indicator of our level of production in months ahead.

·         PRAY also that the recent interview by Mission Network News will touch hearts to become involved. See their article about WMP at Hear Helen Williams' interview as part of the audio at that site.

·         Pray for various places in crisis as the Lord leads you. This prayer request came from France: Wisdom for leaders in countering terrorism effectively; healing for victims; elimination of anger and hatred toward Muslims; that people would turn to God to remove their fear; and that believers and churches would be lights for Jesus all over Europe.


·         Pray for a great spiritual harvest around the world as God is enlarging the vision of His people and receptivity to the gospel is increasing. A group of Danish and German believers from Denmark were in Flensburg, Germany, to pray for the Church of Jesus Christ in that city plus the 85,000 unsaved residents. Afterwards they witnessed and passed out Scripture booklets on the pedestrian streets packed with shoppers. "Due to the terror attack in Paris the night before, the receptivity was above TWICE the normal; about 80-90% of the people received booklets!" In Jordan, a couple from Michigan ministering among Iraqi refugees there saw hundreds come to Christ, many nominal Assyrian Christians who had fled their homes and found refuge in Jordan, a Muslim nation. God is at work; let us pray for new believers around the world.


·         Pray for weather situations in the world as you hear of them. The people of Chennai, India, and neighboring districts need prayer after experiencing 15 days of heavy downpours of rain, the worst in 40 years, causing flooding and problems in the distribution network there. Also, Mexico has been assaulted with hurricanes of unprecedented strength in recent weeks.


·         Prayer is needed in places where elections remain unresolved. The resulting turmoil causes the distribution of God's Word to be disrupted. Pray for Zanzibar (an island of Tanzania), where this has been the case.


·         Continue to pray for the re-writing of our custom software program (Stratus), which has served us well since 1995 for inventory management, order entry, shipping and production planning. God has answered your prayers thus far for the team tackling the highly technical process of developing Stratus 4.0. Things have been going forward very well, and the staff involved with the software company working on this are pleased with the progress so far. Please continue to pray for all involved.


Thank you for the vital involvement you have in the work of believing God on behalf of World Missionary Press! May God give you great joy as you boldly bring the December requests to the throne of grace, along with thanksgiving for what He is doing.

Yours in the strong name of Jesus,


(Mrs.) Vicky R. Benson
Director of Prayer Mobilization
World Missionary Press, Inc.




If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9