Friday, March 25, 2016

sample 5 3/12/16 biola ems conference, (daniel gluck, jessup jerk)

sample 5 3/12/16 biola ems conference, (daniel gluck "peacemaking as church mission: principles from western kenya")
) ...i have to admit I didn't like this guy. I was sitting quietly in the back as he was handing out papers, and he passed me by, so i stood up to get one, and he hands one to me and says in a very condescending tone, "here you go buddy." I'm 50-years old (actually 49, almost 50) and am an evangelist and have done mission work (even been to kenya, the topic of his paper), but he spoke to me like a was some punk off the street. Even if I was just some ignorant dude (which I'm not), these missiological/evangelicals shlould want to have the warmest most inviting disposition of all, otherwise all the intellectual missiological writing is meaningless. I will always think of him as the "jessup jerk". Nonetheless, here's a sample from his paper. 

Frank, BA/BA/M.DIV

"God exalted Jesus to the highest place & gave Him the name that is above every other namethat at the name of Jesus every knee should BOW, in heaven & on earth & under the earth, & every tongue CONFESS  that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11