Saturday, November 11, 2017

"Light breaking through the darkness in Nicaragua"

When he encountered the Miskito people, he partnered with World Missionary Press to begin translating their Scripture booklets into the Miskito language. Twenty-four months later, the project was completed...

He says, "General was the most feared witch on the entire Río Coco river—over 50 years practicing witchcraft. And it was a very, very, dark, dark region. Very active spiritually in the witchcraft. But as we began to come in there with the Gospel and again leaving the literature, explaining the literature, it began to transform that region.

"And one particular trip we made, General came up to me and basically said, you know 'I never knew about this, but will you tell me how I can accept Jesus?' and that day he received Jesus, burned all of his tools, if you will, of the trade and has never looked back. And he's been living for the Lord ever since and that was over 12 years ago..."
