Thursday, August 22, 2019


"The Barmen Declaration includes six theses:

  1. The source of revelation is only the Word of God — Jesus Christ. Any other possible sources (earthly powers, for example) will not be accepted.
  2. Jesus Christ is the only Lord of all aspects of personal life. There should be no other authority.
  3. The message and order of the church should not be influenced by the current political convictions.
  4. The church should not be ruled by a leader ("Führer"). There is no hierarchy in the church (Mt 20, 25f).
  5. The state should not fulfill the task of the church and vice versa. State and church are both limited to their own business.
  6. Therefore, the Barmen Declaration rejects (i) the subordination of the Church to the state (8.22–3) and (ii) the subordination of the Word and Spirit to the Church.

#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !