Saturday, April 9, 2016

4/9/16 PRAYER REQUEST FROM CRC MISSIONARY IN NIGERIA: " THIS weekend, for these kids (f.3)"

Please pray for the teachers of these kids --THIS weekend.
Simply put, bits of ERROR and NEGLIGENCE by 2 institutions are making introductory training POSSIBLE for 25 teachers of 2 Nigerian Christian schools.

The same boo-boo's are also IN THE WAY OF confirming that training –hopefully to occur next week.

Please pray for these snarled strands to be untangled and braided into a sure ladder for over 100 other Nigerian schools to access teacher training.

ALSO, give thanks with us and all of central Nigeria. Seasonal rains have begun, after 5 months of none. YEA!!

Thank you for prayers and sharing these bits with others,

Mark & Anne
Mark Wiersma
Partnering to train Nigerian teachers
   to lead in-service instruction
   for Nigerian school administrators and teachers
(with CRWM)


"God exalted Jesus to the highest place & gave Him the name that is above every other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should BOW, in heaven & on earth & under the earth, & every tongue CONFESS  that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11